Sample Paolo’s Books/Scripts
A month after But We All Shine On was published, I went to Foyle’s on Charing Cross Road and asked if they had a copy of the book. They replied they had one copy. And my book had been placed in the Parent and Baby Section. I knew then and there that I had to get out of book writing. I had spent two years on that book. I had over twenty other books published and yet here I was being treated with absolute disrespect, a major work of mine tossed away. I decided then and there to go into script writing instead. On 21st of August 2015, God gave me a son by the name of Rafi. A year later, I became his main day time carer. I took him to play centres, to parks and to swimming. I fed him, I washed him and got him to sleep. In doing so, I came to love my boy in ways I can still not fathom. A very good friend of mine, Simon Wells, once said to me, it is never too late to have a second childhood, And I thought what hippy dippy crap those words are and forgot all about them. But he was spot on. At the time of Rafi’s birth, a happy childhood was to me completely and utterly foreign. I had no idea what it looked like or felt like. Until Rafi came along.
Sample The Scripts.
but we all shine on